Let's let it continue for a moment before it scratches to a halt.
Let's get back to the topic at hand - the saying. We all have...seen books covers, correct? With their artwork, plot summaries, quotes bragging about the book (#1 New York Times Seller, "Over 10 Million Copies Print,""The greatest book every written about a boy, his horse, and space! - Great Author"). Now, come on! Are we to believe that cover's do not matter? I bet (made up scenario and quote ahead) that some book cover designer cries every time a child learns this saying - "Yes, we do create jackets (industry term, possibly) to allow for judging content!" shouts the cover designer. I believe you, book jacket designer. And, incidentally, my goal is to celebrate your work in order to dismiss this cherished saying - so hopefully, it is replaced by something better.
The goal of this blog is to literally judge books solely on their covers. If you have read them and I am off, please let me know. Eventually, I will read the books and see how close that I came.
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