Sunday, January 29, 2012

Judging Books by their Covers

I understand the meaning of the adage "Don't Judge a Book by it's Cover." It is similar to Atticus Finch telling Scout and Jem not to judge someone until you have had the chance to "climb around in his skin and walk around in it." The meaning of the saying is wonderful! I would love to live in a world that instead of demonizing the unknown, we learn more about it. Right now, Louis Armstrong singing "What a Wonderful World" is playing.

Let's let it continue for a moment before it scratches to a halt.

"I see friends shaking hands, saying 'how do you do?' They're really saying, I love you."

Let's get back to the topic at hand - the saying. We all have...seen books covers, correct? With their artwork, plot summaries, quotes bragging about the book (#1 New York Times Seller, "Over 10 Million Copies Print,""The greatest book every written about a boy, his horse, and space! - Great Author"). Now, come on! Are we to believe that cover's do not matter? I bet (made up scenario and quote ahead) that some book cover designer cries every time a child learns this saying - "Yes, we do create jackets (industry term, possibly) to allow for judging content!" shouts the cover designer. I believe you, book jacket designer. And, incidentally, my goal is to celebrate your work in order to dismiss this cherished saying - so hopefully, it is replaced by something better.

The goal of this blog is to literally judge books solely on their covers. If you have read them and I am off, please let me know. Eventually, I will read the books and see how close that I came.

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